Message from the President
Brian Bobbie, President A&WMA OnTario Section
Sometimes one seeks ways of assisting our environmental profession, and sometimes events are thrust upon us. Many of us knew, respected and loved our friend and colleague Paul Complin, until his sudden passing in late 2015. Paul was the Chair and de facto leader of our A&WMA Ontario Section for many years, and he’ll be remembered most for his inspirational combination of technical expertise, dedication, human compassion, humour and leadership.
Continuing in Paul’s chair, literally, I’ve had the unique opportunity to see every day the talent and energy displayed by all the volunteers who make our Association great. Our Board of Directors, our Committee members and our Members at large not only contribute to our Association’s goals, but tirelessly give their time to help our profession as a whole. All of you are the collective engine that drives environmental science and technology ‘onward and upward’ so effectively and rapidly in this changing world of climate and compliance.
I plan to assist in any small way I can to advance our collaborative agenda, and perhaps to remove some of the hurdles our A&WMA Ontario Section volunteers may encounter from time to time while helping our membership and our profession on a daily basis. It’s an honour to serve as your Chair.
Brian A. Bobbie, C.Chem.
ALTECH Environmental Consulting Ltd.