The Mission of A&WMA is to assist in the professional
development and critical environmental decision-making of our members to
benefit society.
The core Purpose of A&WMA is to improve environmental knowledge and decisions by providing a neutral forum for exchanging information.
- Networking opportunities with leading professionals in the environmental field.
- Access to cutting-edge professional, scientific and technological resources.
- Opportunities for professional training and development -- such as our specialty conferences, workshops, annual meeting, and the QEP Certification Program.
- Full online access to both The Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association and EM, A&WMA's monthly magazine for environmental managers, plus a year's print subscription to your choice of either the Journal or EM.
- Access to a searchable, online membership directory, which contains contact information for members.
- Discounts of 20-30% on registration fees for the Association's Annual Conference & Exhibition, specialty conferences, workshops, breakfast seminars, and education courses. And discounts of up to 25% on Association publications.
- Access to local Section and Chapter events.
- Discount on Journal page charges.
- Free access to the A&WMA Career Center where careers and candidates come together.
- For Ontario Section, you get a vibrant and active association