Message from the Chair
Dear Members and Friends of AWMA-OS:
It is my great pleasure and honor to serve you as the Chair of the Board of Directors of AWMA-OS. I have worked with many of you and appreciate the time and effort that you have volunteered to advance our position as a primary organization of environmental professionals in Ontario. I will count on your continual supports to complete my remaining term and want to wish you all the success and happiness.
With the help from many enthusiastic volunteers, we have organized a series of exciting events, including numerous breakfast seminars held in Toronto, Hamilton, and Waterloo-Kitchener areas on current topics of interest, professional training workshops, including the recent PM workshop. We will continue these efforts in 2012 to provide our members opportunities to network, learn timely information on our profession and industry, upgrade our skills, and share.
In addition, we will focus on helping to build and grow student chapters across Ontario and attracting more young professionals to join us. Last but not the least, AWMA-OS should step up its effort to draw its membership more from the academic community, governmental and industrial sectors, and involve in more joint activities with industrial organizations and associations. This will not only raise the profile of our association and draw talents from a wider range, but also better position us to serve our society more effectively using our knowledge, expertise and determination in protecting our mutual environment.
Paul Complin (Chair)
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